
Ressources pour les étudiants du programme de TEE

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This book explores the contribution of art and creativity to early education, and examines the role of the atelier (an arts workshop in a school) and atelierista (an educator with an arts background) in the pioneering pre-schools of Reggio Emilia. It does so through the unique experience of Vea Vecchi, one of the first atelieristas […]

À travers le concept de fantasme d’action, Bernard Aucouturier nous invite à comprendre la psychodynamique de la motricité de l’enfant, à l’origine d’actions symboliques qui sécurisent l’enfant face à des angoisses inévitables. L’auteur insiste sur le plaisir d’agir et de jouer, comme facteurs essentiels de la construction de la représentation de soi et du développement […]

Insights and Inspirations from Reggio Emilia captures and celebrates 30 years of the Reggio Emilia innovative presence and inspiration in North American early childhood educational thought and practice. It is a narrative in word and image, representing the voices of teachers, scholars, and policy makers whose professional philosophies and practices have been changed by their […]

Why does the city of Reggio Emilia in northern Italy feature one of the best public systems of early education in the world? This book documents the comprehensive and innovative approach that utilizes the « hundred languages of children » to support their well-being and foster their intellectual development. Educators in Reggio Emilia, Italy, use a distinctive […]

The documentation of young children’s learning plays a vital role in the pre-schools of Reggio Emilia. This leading edge approach to bringing record-keeping and assessment into the heart of young children’s learning is envied and emulated by educators around the world. This unique, accessible and inspiring book is based upon a documentary approach successfully implemented […]

Comment le monde vient-il aux bébés ? De quoi les enfants ont-ils vraiment besoin pour grandir ? Et si l’amour ne suffisait pas ? Et si le respect était aussi important ? Comment, surtout, les adultes peuvent-ils dépasser l’instinct, apprendre la relation, la vivre en toute conscience ? Il existe un endroit ignoré du grand […]

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